Do you charge for delivery?
Deliveries to most regions throughout the UK mainland are free for orders over £75 excluding VAT.
For any orders under £75.00 we will add on a small order charge of £6.95 + VAT as a contribution to our admin and delivery costs.
We deliver Monday-Friday.
Do you deliver outside of the UK?
Due to complexity of delivering fresh produce and complexity of delivery pricing via third parties we are currently unable to deliver outside the UK.
When will my product arrive?
When you place your order for fresh items that need to be prepped and produced lead time will be between 2-4 working days.
Do you deliver weekends or Bank holidays?
No sorry, we’re closed on weekends and bank holidays. We deliver Monday-Friday.
How do I change my delivery address or date?
If you need to change your delivery address or date please email us sales@med2go.co.uk as soon as possible and we will endeavour to get this changed. Please note that once your delivery is dispatched (12pm the day before your delivery is due) we will be unable to amend your order.
Can items on the same order be delivered to different places?
Unfortunately we can’t do that yet. You’ll have to create different orders for each address you want to send to.
How should I store my olives?
We’d recommend you keep them submerged in oil a cool dark place as they did in the old days!
Do olives count towards your five-a-day?
Yes. Sixteen olives counts as a one of your five-a-day
Are all of your products vegetarian?
Where possible we endeavour to be vegetarian. However in certain cases where we use cheese there is rennet in the cheese which is not suitable for vegetarians. We recommend you always read the ingredients before you buy. Where a product is not suitable for vegetarians you will find this in the CARE & PACKAGING information on the product page.
Where do you get your ingredients origin from?
Most of our ingredients come from the Mediterranean basin, but the odd ingredient comes from places such as china and south america.